Apex Aura

 Apex Aura projects in Greater Noida West is bringing an elite opportunity to buy homes in Noida extension at best prices that you can easily manage. Choose the serenity to enjoy enthralling experience to buy luxury homes in green city. We welcome you to the most beautifully architecture designed with great specifications and high end amenities that will perfectly blend with your lifestyle. An eminence living to make your life more comfortable; with smooth experience with unbounded happiness in Apex Aura Greater Noida West;

Apex group is one of the renowned groups in real estate market who had tremendously worked for its position with dedications and made an amendment to realize dream homes. If you are looking to buy 2/3 BHK homes in Noida Extension starting @ 39Lakh*. Apex Aura is a RERA registered property in Noida Extension so you can easily trust on the builder and its development. 

Choose to live in this serene environment with beautiful landscaping with lush greenery, this exclusive development is only developed on 30% of the land and rest 70 % is developed for greenery to give you fresh air where you can feel freshness from surroundings and so that you can stay fit and healthy.


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